What are macadamia nuts? Distinguishing popular macadamia nuts on the market

2018-09-05 08:19:06
What are macadamia nuts? Distinguishing popular macadamia nuts on the market

This type of nut contains a lot of good fats needed to reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol to help keep the cardiovascular system healthy, and prevent atherosclerosis.

As a nutritious, delicious nut, macadamia is chosen by many women for their families. There are also many types of macadamia nuts on the market to meet the needs of many people. Check out the article below to learn more about this!

1. What are macadamia nuts ?

The macadamia nut or macadamia nut is the nut of the macadamia tree, a popular tree native to Australia. It is a kind of nut with a brown hard shell, with a kernel about 3cm wide, milky white in color, sweet in taste. Today, it has been imported and tested in many countries, Vietnam is also one of them.

This type of nut contains a lot of good fats needed to reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol to help keep the cardiovascular system healthy, and prevent atherosclerosis.

Macadamia nuts are also the only nuts that contain palmitoleic acid, which helps burn fat and control appetite. Helps you reduce cravings, supports effective weight loss. Macca also contains many antioxidant compounds, essential mineral elements for metabolism, helps improve memory, your skin. In addition, Maca fruit is also very good for pregnant women.

2. Differentiate popular types of Macca on the market

Australian macadamia

Macca Úc

This is a type of Maca imported from Australia, divided into two main forms:  raw and finished products. However, mainly on the market today is a finished product, kernels have been shelled and dried. To increase the taste of eating, Australian Macca berries are often seasoned with spices such as  salt, honey. This form of Maca is usually packed in cans and imported to Vietnam.

Chinese Macadamia

Mắc ca Trung Quốc có vỏ màu nâu đen bóng, thường được cưa bằng máy rất đều, sắc nét và đẹp mắt

Chinese macadamia nuts are easy to identify compared to other macadamia nuts, the shell is glossy black-brown, usually machine sawed very evenly, sharp and beautiful. When smelling sweet, the filling has an oily smell, no aroma, taste not sweet, low-fat. However, you should also note that macadamia nuts are usually grown very little in China, Chinese macadamia nut preparations are often imported and then packaged for export.

Macadamia South Africa

Mắc ca Nam Phi có vỏ dày, màu nâu sáng nhưng sần sùi, cuốn dày

South African macadamia with thick shell, bright brown but rough, thick roll, less filling than Australian macadamia, pale taste and bumpy but more fragrant and delicious than Chinese macadamia. In the Vietnamese market, this is the most popular Macca fruit.

Vietnamese Macadamia

Mắc ca Việt Nam có kích thước hạt không đều, vỏ dày, màu nâu đậm, bột mịn bao quanh nhân

The climate in the Central Highlands of our country is very suitable for growing Macadamia trees, so the seeds have great nutritional value. In Vietnam, macadamia nuts are often dried until cracked and then separated, then supplied to the market. To identify Vietnamese macadamia, you can look at uneven grain size, thick shell, dark brown color, fine powder surrounding the kernel.

The market price of each type of macadamia nut will fluctuate in the following range:

- Macadamia nuts imported from Australia, shelled about 380,000 VND / 1 kg, whole shell about 350,000 VND / kg.
- Vietnamese macadamia nuts shelled for 900,000 - 1,000,000 VND/kg, the whole shell priced at 330,000 - 350,000 VND/kg.
- American macadamia nuts shelled for 420,000 VND/kg, the whole shell priced at 380.00 VND/kg.
- Chinese macadamia nuts, shelled, cost 340,000 VND/kg, and shelled ones cost 300,000 VND/kg.

3. What are the benefits of macadamia nuts?

Macadamia nut is a nut originating from Australia, which is low in sugar and carbohydrates but high in various essential nutrients such as fiber and antioxidants, especially monounsaturated fats, which are beneficial to the body. Cardiovascular disease can help reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In addition, the "use of macadamia nuts" that many people are interested in is to reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood, reduce the risk of diabetes, support the digestive system, ...

Hopefully with the information just shared, you have been able to distinguish some popular types of macadamia on the market and choose for yourself a suitable type of macadamia. However, there are still fake macadamia nuts on the market, you should still choose a reputable place to buy and use.

(Source Bachhoaxanh)


haingan - 08/04/2020
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